nedeľa 9. júna 2013

Alzheimer's Disease with Medium (filter)

Hematology - a branch of stratosphere which studies the structure and function of the system blood (the blood itself, blood and organs kroverazrusheniya), the causes and mechanisms of blood diseases and to develop methods of detection, treatment and prevention. On the hemodynamics are judged by the minute blood volume. Gastro - part of compound words meaning: relating to the stomach, digestion. Ebola haemorrhagic fever - a group of viral diseases with severe natural foci (ie, occurring only in certain areas). Normally, the complete life cycle of hemolysis of red blood cells (Approx. Gemoglobipuriya - the appearance of hemoglobin in the urine. Hemogram - results of the quantitative and qualitative study blood. Hemolysis - the destruction of red blood cells to release into the environment of hemoglobin. Gastroenterocolitis - acute or chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract, including those with infectious diseases, poisoning, allergy, metabolic disorders, functional impairment of the digestive system. Characteristic of hemolytic anemia. Helminths - worms, parasitic worms. Includes analysis blood, bone marrow, X-ray, ultrasound and other studies. Hemolytic anemia - a group of congenital or acquired, acute or chronic blood disorders characterized by the strong decay erythrocytes, hemolytic anemia attributed to hemolytic disease of newborn hemoglobinopathy, etc. 12 days) and occurs in the body continuously. Cause - kidney disease, urinary tract, reducing blood Positron-emission Tomography etc. Gemodermatoz - skin and its appendages in diseases of the blood. Hematuria - the selection of blood in the urine. Parasitize in red blood cells or endothelial cells, to include gemosporidiyam plasmodia stratosphere . Hemodynamics - the movement of blood through the vessels arising from a difference of hydrostatic pressure in different parts of the circulatory system (blood moves from high pressure to the low).

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