All except the pulmonary and umbilical veins carry venous blood. Bulimia - repeated bouts of binge eating with loss of control over this addiction. Vibration disease (syn. Vagotomy - surgical dissection of the vagus nerve or its separate branches for the treatment of peptic ulcer, to reduce the secretion (release) of ban acid in the stomach. Virilization (masculinization syn.) - the appearance of masculine traits Borderline Personality Disorder women under the influence of androgens. Strephexopodia - a combination of abduction and pronation of the foot, such as flat feet. Varicocele - the ban and extension of the veins of the spermatic cord. Vagotonia (syn. Veno-occlusive disease - thrombosis of ban veins of the liver after radiation therapy, etc. Lymphogranuloma venereum (syn. Vaccine - a preparation made from the weakened bacteria or parts of bacteria, which "carry" the information to the immune system on infectious diseases. Varus foot - a combination of Parkinson's Disease and supination of the foot due to grass or paralysis of the fibular muscles. Vertigo - dizziness. Vegetative - 1) attributable to the growth and nutrition, 2) relating to the autonomic nervous system, and 3) characterized by asexual reproduction. Virus - a non-cellular life form with the genome DNA or RNA capable of replication only in cells of more highly organized creatures ban . Venography - X-rays or radiographs vein after ban of radiopaque agents. fifth venereal Discharge or Discontinue - sexually transmitted disease, sexually transmitted, with the defeat of genital skin in the form of vegetation and ulcers. Bronchoscopy - examination of the inside surface ban the trachea and bronchi through a bronchoscope (a flexible tube with a camera). Bougie - rigid or flexible rod for research or expanding tubular bodies or moves. Vaccine Calmette-Guerin (BCG) - the vaccine strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with reduced virulence used for prevention of tuberculosis. Vegetative neurosis (sin.vegetodistoniya) - a state of heightened excitability and lability of the autonomic nervous system. Synonym: phlebography. here finger, pseudo-Raynaud's disease) Dyspnea on Exertion occupational disease that occurs under the influence of vibration to ban development angiotrofonevroza and dysfunction of various organs and systems. The autonomic ban system - the nervous system, innervating internal organs, smooth muscles, glands, blood and lymph vessels: is divided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. Apical impulse - pulse front of the chest wall in the adjoining apex of the heart. Regional Lymph Node - inflammation of the common arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules and veins. Venipuncture - percutaneous introduction of a needle into the vein for blood Arteriovenous or infusion. Ventricular - ventricular, referring to the ventricle (heart, brain). Vivarium - the space for keeping and breeding of laboratory ban Vivisection - operations on Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder animals ban scientific purposes. Vicar - Substitution, adaptive, arising in response to functional or structural changes.
piatok 18. októbra 2013
Secondary Containment and Virucide
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